relaxing stretching legs red shoes mirabell gardens background salzburg austria earth day google bee game_agirlnamedclara
Life,  Travel

Earth Day, Bees and Mirabell Gardens

Happy belated Earth Day 2020!

Sorry for the late blog post, I was busy preparing for something important and not feeling well… but!

I’m so happy that Google made Earth Day, which falls on 22 April, educated and FUN! Also, the Earth Day Doodle game reminds me of the beautiful Mirabell Gardens in Salzburg, Austria.

the sound of music earth day salzburg austria_agirlnamedclara
The hills are alive with the sound of music…

Google’s Earth Day 2020 Doodle Bee Game

In case you were too busy WFH yesterday and didn’t open Google at all, you’re missing going to enjoy the Bee game now that you’re free.

I thought we could only play the game yesterday, but I did it again today, hehe!

Basically, we’re helping a cute honeybee to match the pollen of various flowers with the same colour.

On top of helping you to relax, Google’s Earth Day Doodle Bee game also provides some fun facts and educates us about the purposes of honeybees on earth.

In every successful attempt, you’ll see many flowers popping out in the garden.

The joy of seeing colourful flowers popping out reminds me of the same feeling when I was strolling around the Mirabell Gardens.

Mirabell Gardens and The Sound of Music

asian girl white blazer smiling stand in the middle mirabell gardens salzburg austria_agirlnamedclara

Yes, Mirabell Gardens is one of the shooting locations for the famous movie “The Sound of Music”. At first, I was excited to visit the garden because of that.

But when I stepped inside, the joy was purely caused by the beauty of the garden. It was huge and there were so many flowers of different shapes and colours, neatly arranged.

the sound of music yellow bus tour salzburg austria_agirlnamedclara
small asian girl solo travel smiling white blazer sitting mirabell gardens background_agirlnamedclara

There’s a beautiful fountain in the middle of the garden. The sky was bright blue, the sun wasn’t biting and the wind blew softly – it was perfect weather in September.

If I were a honeybee, Mirabell Gardens would be my paradise.

red flowers grass mirabell gardens salzburg austria_agirlnamedclara
tourists walking in mirabell garden building background salzburg austria_agirlnamedclara

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little girls playing balloon red sweater red flowers mirabell gardens austria_agirlnamedclara
pegasus fountain mirabell gardens salzburg austria_agirlnamedclara

Ah, right! Talking about Google’s Earth Day Bee game, I guess the only flower from the game that doesn’t exist in the garden is the sunflower, hehe!

If one day you visit Mirabell Gardens, please take your time to sit on the long wooden chair (or on top of a wall, like me) and do nothing.

Put aside your phone or camera, just enjoy the scenery and be there…

grandma sitting alone tall green trees wooden bench mirabell gardens salzburg austria_agirlnamedclara

…and remember to smell the flowers ๐Ÿ™‚

asian girl greets flowers sweet mirabell gardens salzburg austria_agirlnamedclara

Also read: La Vie en Rose
Also read: “Breakfast and Birdwatching at M.P.S. Village, Sri Lanka


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