• Money,  Travel

    This is How a Low Maintenance Girl Pays for Her Trips

    In the previous blog post, I shared my experience of having too many mini-retirements aka six holidays in a year. Little do people know that being low maintenance allows me to travel. Just think about it… How could I possibly have the money? Because I’m a low-maintenance girl. I’m conscious of my spending so I can save enough money to travel. Here are some habits that help me travel often: Work, Instead of Travelling, during Semester Breaks After my first internship and earning my very own money, I took another one. The boss liked my work and accepted me to work for him again in the next semester breaks. I…

  • Life,  Travel

    This Christmas… Dare to Dream and Repurpose Your Life

    On November 30, 2017, I made a wish: All I wanted for Christmas is fantastic trips next year. 2018 is the year when I totally surrender to my wanderlust. What’s supposed to be two trips suddenly morphed into six trips. I totally agree if you think I’m crazy, yet I love it. However, the time has come to dream and repurpose my life. I saved for a year to realise my 15 days Cuba trip, failed to step my foot in the Holy Land of Israel thus went to Spain + Portugal half-heartedly. The beauty of Chiang Mai +Chiang Rai captured my heart, and so did Da Nang + Hội An,…

  • Life,  Money,  Travel

    You Need to Stop Judging How Female Solo Travellers Fund Their Trips

    People need to stop judging how female solo travellers fund their trips because it’s none of their business. By this time, I guess you’ve read some news about female solo travellers getting raped or killed while travelling. Some people blame the victims for travelling alone (yes, it’s not just about the funding). An article published in 2016 by The Guardian “Why is Travelling Alone Still Considered a Risky, Frivolous Pursuit for Women?” discusses a very interesting topic about double standards for female solo travellers.  Besides sexual violence and gender inequality, let me add one more double standard on female solo travellers: how we fund the trips. People often praise male…