girl holding hat sit on a cruise split port a girl named clara
Life,  Money,  Travel

Wanderlust, Behind the Scene 2024

Hi, everyone! It’s been a long time since I wrote a personal finance blog. This week, let me give you an update about me behind the scene, 2024 edition πŸ˜„

Wow, I can’t believe it’s been three years since I wrote Wanderlust Behind the Scene in 2021. In just three years my life has changed for the better. Thank you so much, Jesus!!!

If you haven’t read the first version of this blog, it’s here.

This update is to give you insights into my version of “Instagram vs Reality”. You may see that I’m always travelling on IG but it doesn’t mean I’m a chaebol, very successful, etc…

To sum it up, before and in 2021 I was extreme with my finances to the point I:

πŸ₯² Sometimes felt stressed managing my finances because I wanted it all (too strict, wanted to pay bills, support my parents + myself, travel, and save for retirement)

πŸ₯² Ate instant oats with a fried egg and mixed nuts for dinner whenever there were many unexpected expenses

πŸ₯² Limited my almond milk intake (only drank milk after the gym to maximise the protein intake and save money)

πŸ₯² In 2016, I worked my a** off and ate the same food for lunch for 1 year+ so I could travel to Europe for 30 days

πŸ₯² In 2021, I worked my a** off on the weekends to fund my South Africa trip

My life has improved a lot since I switched jobs to Exness. Some big improvements are:

πŸ˜‡ My complexion has improved because I eat healthy food every day

πŸ˜‡ I don’t have to work my a** off on the weekends when I want to travel

πŸ˜‡ Not much stress at work because of the great working culture and colleagues

Although I’m very happy now, some things stay the same, such as:

😊 Going for premium, discounted things

😊 Taking public transportation instead of buying a car

😊 Staying at home and eating mixed rice on the weekends

😊 Looking basic most of the time (except when I’m travelling)

😊 Giving myself a monthly allowance in an envelope (only use the cash in the envelope to ensure I don’t overspend)

Also read: “Sibenik Day Trip from Split, Croatia”
Also read: “Croatia Cruise Review: Salve Di Mare”

Financial Blessings… What are They For?

asian girl blue dress smile sitting down jaipur india a girl named clara
In Jaipur, India

I have three important financial blessings which I’m so grateful for. At first, I was happy because I thought they would boost my retirement savings.

The first financial blessing, I used half of it to fund my Croatia and Italy trip. Then I put the rest as my retirement savings.

But then I remember… When I was young, something happened to my mom. It was a matter of life and death and my dad’s business just crashed, so we had no money.

Many family members helped us financially, although they were not doing well financially. They pooled the money for us and never asked us to return it.

They didn’t even mention it once to my family after that.

One day, a few years later, when I met one of my uncles, he even passed me some money, worried that I had no money at the airport. I didn’t want to accept it, but he was very persistent.

He was earning just enough for his family, but he still showed me sincerity and kindness… I was so touched 🀧🀧🀧

Last year, I asked my mom about the amount we had received many years ago. I found out that all this time, my mom had put aside some money to repay the kindness, bit by bit.

After I got the exact number, I worked out a plan to return the kindness. It turns out that the rest of the financial blessings will be enough to cover the amount!

YAAAAAAY! I’m so happy!!! Thank you, Jesus!!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

My mom was so happy when she knew that I wanted to use the blessings for this purpose. Finally, she could feel relieved and not indebted…

Of course, there was a time when I had a pang of ‘what if’ in my head and heart…

What if I could have the blessings for myself? I could travel to many places, have extra cushions for my retirement… I would feel safe.

But I have no regrets.

They are blessings… it’s the right thing to do, and I’m happy to do it. Besides, now I’m very blessed with all the employee benefits from the company I’m working for 😊😊😊

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Going Back to My Roots

asian girls in traditional costume rambu solo toraja a girl named clara
Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

At the time I’m writing this article, 1 USD = 4.72 ringgit 😒😒😒

Since most group tours are priced in USD, I won’t go to the West for the time being. Why do I like to join group tours? Because I want to listen to the history of the places besides taking photos for my blog.

Luckily, I’ve been to some far, far away places before… Now I want to go back to my roots – exploring Asia, especially Indonesia and China!

My next three destinations are in Indonesia. I can’t wait to share the culture and beauty of my home country with the world… I thought about it during Covid-19 but I finally put my dreams into action.

At first, I thought exploring Indonesia wouldn’t cost a lot of money, especially ringgit is 3x stronger than rupiah.


The private tours + return flights to remote places in Indonesia could reach up to RM5,000 (up to around 1,000 USD)!

Did you know that my return flight to Jayapura, Papua is almost RM2.8k (almost 600 USD)?? πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€

asian girl smile on a tree raja ampat misool background a girl named clara
Raja Ampat, Indonesia, the diving paradise

Why is it so expensive???

Because some beautiful, culturally rich places in Indonesia are remote and hard to reach. Especially when there’s an annual festival or when you need to pay a donation to visit some tribes (i.e Rambu Solo, Baliem Valley Festival).

Indonesia is HUGE, there are many amazing places to visit besides Bali or Jogja. Flights from Kuala Lumpur to Bali, Jogja, or Medan are cheap.

When I went to Raja Ampat, I boarded two flights and a ferry. I had to fly from Kuala Lumpur to Jakarta/Makassar, then flew to Sorong, then boarded a ferry to Waisai (the capital of Raja Ampat).

It was tiring, yes, but was it worth it? ABSOLUTELY ✨✨✨

Also read: “Digital Detox Trip: Nature Edition in Raja Ampat, Indonesia”
Also read: “Rambu Solo, Toraja: The Grand Funeral that Attracts Travellers from Around the World”

More about travel posts here

Lifestyle Upgrade? Not much. Travel Upgrade? Yes!

girl on bed holding a cup cheers to world map a girl named clara

I may not upgrade my lifestyle much, but I have some upgrades when it comes to travel. Finally, I could do this thanks to a more stable career #thisis30s

When my budget allows, I’d like to stay one night in a nice hotel because of the views, hospitality, and food. I also don’t mind going to the airport by taxi instead of buses/trains/metros.

For example in Rome, the station staircases were steep and there was no elevator. My luggage was heavy, I didn’t want to fall and injure myself. I’d rather pay 50 euros to the airport than get hurt!

In my younger years, I survived because some kind strangers helped me carry my luggage up/down the staircases.

One of them was a persistent and very kind grandma whom I met in Germany. Thank you, grandma!! πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

Another example is I booked a really nice resort with an ocean view for my East Nusa Tenggara trip. All for myself #solotrip 🌊✨😍

If I have to be honest, I feel some China group tour packages are cheaper than my private trips to Indonesia.

Just take look at my return flight ticket from KL to Jayapura (almost 600 USD). With the same amount, I could join a 7D6N Taiwan tour (all-in price)!

But I have no regrets because it’s my dream trip. Actually, more Westerners travel to remote places in Indonesia than the locals.

I’m not sure if it’s a matter of preference or currency strength, but as an Indonesian, I feel kiasu aka don’t want to lose. Indonesia, wait for me πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

I guess when it comes to life, money, and happiness, I live by this motto:

β€œSpend extravagantly on the things you love, and cut costs mercilessly on the things you don’t.”

Ramit Sethi

Have a wonderful week, everyone! Thank you for reading πŸ˜ŠπŸ™β˜€οΈ

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Also read: “Japan Temple Stay: Daimyoo-in, Koyasan”
Also read: “Jiuzhaigou, A Dream Destination for Nature Lovers”

More about travel posts here

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