On November 30, 2017, I made a wish: All I wanted for Christmas is fantastic trips next year.
2018 is the year when I totally surrender to my wanderlust. What’s supposed to be two trips suddenly morphed into six trips. I totally agree if you think I’m crazy, yet I love it.
However, the time has come to dream and repurpose my life.
I saved for a year to realise my 15 days Cuba trip, failed to step my foot in the Holy Land of Israel thus went to Spain + Portugal half-heartedly. The beauty of Chiang Mai +Chiang Rai captured my heart, and so did Da Nang + Hội An, Toraja and Beijing — so I booked the trips in a snap of fingers.
Places I Travelled in 2018
February 2018 – Chiang Mai + Chiang Rai (Thailand)

April 2018 – Cuba

June 2018 – Israel & Jordan (Cancelled)
Oh, the dramas.
I went to the Israeli embassy in Singapore because there were none in Malaysia or Indonesia. To my surprise, the officer asked for a local guarantor and his complete details. Even my tour didn’t know about this requirement because they just launched the destination!
Panicked, a friend finally introduced me to his Israeli friend who’s an angel, willing to be my guarantor. Alas, two weeks before the departure, there’s tension between Israel and Indonesia. Indonesia cancelled visas for Israelis and so did Israel.
Wait – what about my visa application??!!

The news said the Israeli government would still grant a visa until my departure date (super coincidence), however, mine was rejected for don’t-know-why. AND THEN… the morning of my supposed departure day. The Israeli embassy said my visa is approved and asked me to collect it.
I cried on the bus, on the way to the office… I’d unpacked the baggage the night before. After all my efforts and a helping hand, it had to come to this. There’s not enough time to pack again, go to Singapore then the airport.
Au revoir, Israel… see you one day.
June 2018 – Da Nang + Hội An + Ba Na Hills (Vietnam)

September 2018 – Spain + Portugal

September 2018 – Toraja (Indonesia)

October 2018 – Beijing (China)

I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to travel frequently, mainly because of the flexible working hour and lots of public holidays in Malaysia. However, a dream will just be a dream unless you put action to it.
For example, follow your monthly budget religiously for a year to realise the costly dream trip. Take side jobs. Focus on your health more than hangouts (translation: gym over cafés or clubs). Eat healthy and affordable mixed rice instead of eating in a restaurant.
What Would You Do Differently Next Year?

Some people say when something becomes a routine or easily achieved, you’ll lose the excitement. You may think this will never happen to you. I hate to burst your bubble, but a few days before my fifth trip, I was like “ugh. I have to travel again”.
Can’t believe a wanderlust like me would say that. But it happens.
The travel bug bit hard this year, I had only a
Although I enjoy the experiences, everything seems too rushing and isn’t as exciting as before. I begin to crave… a steady life.
I want to have ample time to focus on myself, my career, my relationship and other interests. I haven’t even finished a book that I started to read three months ago.
All I Want for Christmas 2019 are…

Fantastic career and contented life.
Some people say you should travel when you’re still young, some say you should focus on your career first.
“Travel can wait, but not my career” – a friend (early 20s)
“Travel while you’re young because when you’re old you’ll have joint pain, no energy or the excitement is diminishing” – friends (>40s)
“Keep on travelling!” – friends (mixed ages)

I rushed my trips this year thus I started to lose the excitement. It’s time to repurpose my life next year. Can I have everything? Fantastic career and contented life – of course with travel included!
This Christmas, let’s dream big. Change and let go of what or who doesn’t bring us happiness. Repurpose our lives for the better.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019!
Also read: “Thank You 2020, You’ve Been a Blessing”
Also read: “4 Personal Growth Lessons That I Learned Last Week”