In the previous blog post, I shared my experience of having too many mini-retirements aka six holidays in a year. Little do people know that being low maintenance allows me to travel.
Just think about it… How could I possibly have the money?
Because I’m a low-maintenance girl. I’m conscious of my spending so I can save enough money to travel. Here are some habits that help me travel often:
Work, Instead of Travelling, during Semester Breaks
After my first internship and earning my very own money, I took another one. The boss liked my work and accepted me to work for him again in the next semester breaks. I managed to save a lot every month.
Reduce that RM15 Coffee
Luckily, I prefer tea and milk. A cup of your artisanal coffee costs more than my 1 liter of milk. The price of a cup of coffee is almost equal to a box of 50-bags green tea. Just imagine how much I can save!
If you love coffee so much, make a budget on how much you would spend on good quality coffee in a month.
Remember, Your Travel List is More Important than Food
A survey by JP Morgan shows that millennials are willing to spend more on food than the previous generation. This habit needs to be controlled so you don’t overspend.
It will be better if you set a daily lunch budget too, but remember to take a break on weekend. Nice food is too good to be missed and it’s ok to treat yourself once a while.
Nude Makeup is Your BFF
Rather than Sephora and Mac, I visit Innisfree and Watson. My daily makeup, or should I say skin care is revolving around toner, eye cream, day cream, lip balm, lipstick and BB cream (sometimes mascara too).
*This article is first published by The Jakarta Post, 6 March 2017. Click here to read the full article.