girl sit at bench look at sakura with cony line friends agirlnamedclara

The Love Lesson that Every Single Woman Should Know

Alright, this week’s blog post is gonna be short and sweet. Yes, it’s about something that I seldom share on my blog but I feel that I MUST share this love lesson to save women, especially those in their early twenties and who are single.

One day, I had a great conversation with a highly intelligent man. We talked about many things and at one point we discussed relationships. Since I’m single, I playfully asked if he could introduce me to his friends who are single (or divorced). Alas, all of his friends are married.

I guess once women reach their late twenties, some people will ask when they would get married. There could be a thousand reasons why, but sometimes I (and perhaps some women) feel that all good men are taken.

“Women should look at the potential a man has in the future, not who he is now, he said.

He added that it’s ok for women to get married in their early twenties, provided the man possesses good qualities and potential for a bright future. Because if she missed the opportunity, one day that guy will be successful and marry another girl.

BOOM! And so, I got this love lesson when I’m 30 years old πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

jackie chan meme agirlnamedclara

Then I remember “Ska8er Boi” by Avril Lavigne, a catchy song that I listened to when I was a kid. I like that song and memorise the lyrics, but I was too young to really catch the meaning behind it. I could have learned it many, many years ago from her!

Sorry, girl, but you missed out

Well, tough, luck that boy’s mine now

We are more than just good friends

This is how the story ends

Too bad that you couldn’t see

See the man that boy could be

There is more than meets the eye

I see the soul that is inside

Some teenage girls and women in their early twenties are fixated on the idea of being in a relationship as if it’s a goal that they must accomplish in order to make themselves happy. They’re too busy chasing guys who are already at the top and forgetting the ones with potential, who may be just started their career journey.

“Take a look at Bill Gates!” he said.

Yeah, a great example. And so other successful men who started from the bottom, who was a nobody when they were young.

Maybe some women are like me, who don’t like the idea of getting married young because there’s so much to see, learn, and experience in this life.

Anyway, don’t get me wrong. I want to get married in the future but it’s not a mission or an obsession. Being in the dating game since my early twenties, I’ve come to a point where I see life in a different way.

I have a family who loves me, I can travel to wherever I want to, work at a company that takes care of me well, and am always honest with myself. I feel content with my life β€” to the point if I no longer exist in this world, I’ll rest peacefully.

The recipe is by being honest with yourself, living a life without regret, being accountable, and being grateful (it’s not the same with YOLO). And don’t forget to stay positive!

Before I end this post, I have something to share with you….

I sponsored another son from World Vision on Black Friday! πŸ‘¦πŸŽ‰

So, one day I suddenly remember a trip to Mongolia that I’d like to go to. Then I checked out World Vision Malaysia and found that I could sponsor a child from Mongolia. This boy got me at “hello”.

boy smile world vision malaysia
Temugen is from Mongolia

I watched his introductory video and found him looking smart in his school uniform. I don’t understand what he said as he was speaking in Mandarin but then he mentioned “mathematic” at the end of the video. I guessed it was his favourite subject (I was right) and instantly knew that I wanted to sponsor him.

I’m not good at math but at least my son is good at it! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #proudmom

Seriously. For my whole life, the red ‘decoration’ on my report cards is for that particular subject. Luckily, at least now I’m good at budgeting!

drake math calculation counting money meme agirlnamedclara

Alright, it’s almost 12am now, gonna sleep soon. Have a great week and stay healthy! If you have a daughter or younger sister, please pass this love lesson to her πŸ˜‰

Also read: “Stay at Home Virtual Tour: Cuban Casa (Homestay)”
Also read: “The Day I Gatecrashed a Graduation Party in Turkey”
Also read: “Travelling in December? I Went to Chefchaouen and You Should Too”


  • Selina

    Hi Theresia. Interesting article and good advice. I couldn’t agree with you more. Congratulations on becoming a new mom. Your boy looks smart indeed. You’re doing great, my friend. Keep it up.

    • theresiaclara

      Hi Selina, I’m glad to hear that you enjoy reading it. Actually it’s not a real role of a mother, the donation is used to help his community… But yes, I can send him letters and gifts 😊 Thank you so much for the encouragement, my friend. Stay healthy πŸ€—πŸ§‘

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